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About Us

Supervisor: Prof. Jeroen Lammertyn

We, the Team Episense of KU Leuven, are a motivated group of 11 international students from various disciplines related to biology and united by our common passion for using technology to make the world a better place for all. Our goal is to combine our knowledge and employ our wits & skills to develop an outstanding biosensor!

Brought together under the guidance of the MeBioS biosensor group of prof. Jeroen Lammertyn, in this fifth edition of the SensUs competition, we plan to develop a viable point-of-care solution to detect the biomarker Valproate. Valproate is one of the drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy which affects almost 1% of the global population (more than 65 million people). Through our biosensor, we hope to make our small contribution to helping them and their families live better lives.

We are working towards this objective in two specialized groups focused on critical aspects of the biosensor development - bioassay team and technology team. Through regular guidance from our excellent coaches and vital feedback from prof. Jeroen Lamertyn, we are slowly but surely moving towards our goal. This is also an opportunity for us to learn and understand product development as well as to build our interpersonal skills and celebrate the different cultures from around the world.

Beware fellow teams, we will bring back gold! The seat of wisdom guides us in our quest!

Watch our one-minute pitch here
Watch our Creativity pitch here
Watch our Translational Potential pitch here

  • Correlation Scatter
  • Dose Response
  • Time To Result
  • Sample Volume

No measurements yet.

Contact info

-        Website: https://episense.net/

-        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sensuskuleuven/

-        Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/episensekuleuven/

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