Flag BiosensUM

About Us

Supervisor: Prof. Jean Francois Masson

Our team consists of students from various fields of study, including chemistry, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, biological sciences and mathematics. We all came together because we cultivate a common interest: to take part in an enriching collaborative and multidisciplinary project.

Through the SensUS competition, we want to improve our teamwork and problem-solving skills. We are also looking forward to be a part of this competition, as it gives the opportunity to make a tangible contribution to the advancement of science and biosensing, and allows to experience the process of ideation, design, and possibly marketing. We are convinced that every team member will contribute in their own way to the success of the project. We are particularly looking forward to sharing our respective knowledge, but above all to learning more about the aspects of the project with which we are less familiar.

We are confident that in the future, we will be able to take advantage of the competencies acquired during SensUS 2020. We are determined to work to the best of our ability to present an effective sensor, but especially to make this unique competition a pleasant and memorable experience for each and everyone of us.

Watch our one-minute pitch here
Watch our Creativity pitch here
Watch our Translational Potential pitch here

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